In the current historical moment, where concerns about environmental issues are increasing, some are seeking solutions to reduce the environmental impact of structures responsible for pollution and reverse these trends. In this article, we will review some new technologies that establishments are implementing to reduce their environmental footprint.
A simple and cost-effective procedure that everyone can implement is to consume less electrical energy. This can ensure lower expenses and less pollution from non-renewable energy sources.
There are other effective solutions for which recent incentives have been provided. For example, improving the energy efficiency of older structures instead of creating new ones, with modifications such as thermal insulation, new fixtures, and high-energy efficiency boilers, can drastically reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy resources.
These incentives also allow for the installation of solar panels with storage devices to reduce dependence on the electrical grid. With a storage system, the produced energy can be injected into the system at any time, regardless of whether the sun is shining. This system not only enables the structure to generate energy for self-sufficiency but also contributes to introducing clean energy into the environment.
Leveraging these new technologies is crucial for each entity to offset the environmental footprint it produces.